Harp Seal Coloring Page. It includes harp seal craft, nonfiction unit booklet, lap book, worksheets, answer key, graphic organizers, vocabulary puzzles, and. The harp seal also known a saddleback seal or Greenland Seal, (Pagophilus groenlandicus) is a species of earless seal, or true seal, native to the northernmost Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean.
The harp seal also known a saddleback seal or Greenland Seal, (Pagophilus groenlandicus) is a species of earless seal, or true seal, native to the northernmost Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean.
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Like other true seals, harp seals maintain a thick blubber layer that provides insulation and a source of energy that can be used during annual fasts and when food is scarce. Harp seals have large eyes, each with a tapetum lucidum to aid vision in dim light. Harp seals live throughout the cold waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.