Whale Shark Colouring Pages. This shark is anything but fearsome, in fact, he's a bit adorable! They scoop out the tiny plants and animals along with the other small fish that happen to be around.
Each whale shark has unique pattern of stripes and dots.
Whale Shark Coloring Page lesson plan template and teaching resources.
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a slow-moving filter-feeder. It's got nice simple outlines so is perfect for younger children. "The whale sharks were nice but I didn't have the guts to go down there," Nukarim's friend, Ediho, who filmed the incident, told Newsflare. "Although they look harmless, I still would not want to trust my life with it. Travel from the Cebu city center to Tana-wan in Oslob for an interactive experience with your guide.