Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron Coloring Pages - designkids.info. In case you don't find what you are looking for, use the top search bar to search again! free coloring pages. The mustang stallion Spirit grows up to proudly succeed his father as leader of the Cimarron herd in the unspoiled Wild West.
When 'civilization' reaches Dakota territory, naive curiosity gets him caught by cowboys and sold to the US Cavalry.
Strider is a black stallion from the book Esperanza: Spirit of the West.
Illustrated by noted western artist William Maughan, this is both a beautiful companion book to the DreamWorks film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and a stand-alone storybook that will. Western Animation / Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. These beautiful and beautiful animals will not leave anyone.