Mythomorphia Unicorn - Watercolor Daniel Smith, crayons Prismacolor Premier Mythomorphia Unicorn coloring book. With Starbucks coming out with their Unicorn drink last week I thought it would make a great spin on the Kerby Rosanes Unicorn in Mythomorphia.
Featuring his unique and intricate ink drawings. I apologize for the choppy, laggy video. Coloring the fantastic wood in Mythomorphia by Kerby Rosanes with PRISMACOLOR pencils.
Watercolor Painting in Mythomorphia Coloring Book Relaxing Satisfying Videos.
This came out almost exactly as I imagined!
Completing the coloring book trilogy is Mythomorphia where pages are filled with creatures from myth and legends morphing into detailed doodles and fantastical surroundings. If you like animorphia and imagimorphia you will love mythomorphia. Beautiful art work and such a fun coloring book.